What’s up With This Drum Blog?

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Welcome to The New Drummer, a drum blog created, curated, and loved by me! My name is Duran Ritz, a drummer and educator up in Vancouver, Canada. I designed this site to be a resource for drummers to come and learn, have fun, and connect with each other!

If you have only started to learn drums, are a professional with years of experience, or you just love the drums, this site is for you.

About ME

duran ritz drumming live

As a drummer myself, I am always striving for growth – both in writing for this website, and in my own personal music career. I’ve been playing drums for over 20 years. Those drums have supported me financially, helped me see the world, and let me experience a life that many people dream of.

If you’re interested, I want that for you too. I believe that rhythm is universal, and that everyone can be a drummer if they want. I have spent years studying, practicing, and going to school to get to the point that I am. Now I want to share everything I’ve learned with you!

If you are still curious, check out my personal website: duranritz.com.


Why I started a Drum Blog

This blog was born way back in 2014. At the time, the online drum community was small and lacked a flow of quality information. I would spend hours looking for the right articles, videos, or even any information at all about whatever topic I was researching. As a way of scratching my own itch, I decided to start my own drumming resource site.

Since then, this site has slowly grown to a healthy amount of monthly visitors, physical products, and a really fun Instagram account. I haven’t always been diligent about posting new content, but I do whenever I can. Today, times have changed, and there are a lot of great resources online about drumming (I have even reviewed a few of them myself!). I am truly honored that you have chose to spend time with The New Drummer.


Community is Everything

The community that surrounds The New Drummer is nothing short of amazing. It is truly YOU who I should be thanking. I appreciate your comments and questions more than you know.

I will still continue to learn, write, and post on this drumming blog. I’ve enjoyed the supportive messages the drumming community has sent me, and have tried to answer every question sent my way. I am truly thankful to everyone who visits, and I hope to see you again.

If there is a topic you would like for me to cover, if I’ve made a mistake, or if you just want to say hi, don’t hesitate to send me a message.

If you a drummer and also an aspiring writer, I do accept Guest Posts. Send me some of your work. If I like it, I would love to have it’s home on this website.


The New Drummer - Duran Ritz

Thanks again for visiting. If this is your first time here, feel free to take a look around.

Happy drumming!

Warmest Regards,

Duran Ritz Logo Small